
Academic report by Professor Mechael Batty :"New Tools for Understanding and Planning the Smart City."


2017年9月25日,英国伦敦大学学院Michael Batty教授访问了南京师范大学地理科学学院,做了题为“New Tools for Understanding and Planningthe Smart City”的学术报告。

整场报告中,Batty教授生动的讲解、严谨的科研思路、独特的科研视角吸引了在场与会人员的关注,多次赢得热烈的掌声。报告结束后,Batty教授与在座师生热情交流,针对智慧城市研究中遇到的问题与参会师生进行了密切的探讨。之后,Michael Batty教授访问了地理科学学院的开放式地理建模研究小组,并听取了关于开放式地理建模平台研究背景、设计理念、技术实现等方面的相关介绍。Michael Batty教授对开放式地理建模研究小组目前所取得的成果予以高度评价与充分肯定,就建模平台未来的发展方向与小组成员进行了探讨,并提出了很多有价值的建议。

Mechael Batty,His research work involves the development of computer models of cities and regions, and he has published many books and articles in this area. His book Cities and Complexity (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005) won the Alonso Prize of the Regional Science Association in 2010. His most recent books are The New Science of Cities (MIT Press, Cambridge. MA, 2013) and the edited volumes Virtual Geographic Environments (ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 2011) and Agent Based Models of Geographical Systems (Springer, Berlin, 2012). He is editor of the journal Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. Emeritus Professor of Planning Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis Faculty of the Built Environment,