
Academic report by Professor Bin Jiang:"Why Is Euclidean Geometric Thinking So Wrong for Maps and Mapping in the Era of BIG Data?"


应地理科学学院陈旻教授邀请,瑞典Gävle大学江斌教授来我院进行学术交流,于2017年6月20日在地科院411会议室作题为“Why Is Euclidean Geometric Thinking So Wrong for Maps and Mapping in the Era of BIG Data?”的学术报告。此次报告会由闾国年教授主持,陈旻教授及学院相关领域的教师和研究生参加了本次学术报告会。


Professor Jiang Bin is an internationally renowned scholar in the field of geographic information science. His research interests include complex network systems, geodetic computing and visualization, spatial data mining and knowledge discovery. He currently serves as associate editor of the Journal of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems and chair of the Geospatial Analysis and Modeling Committee of the International Institute of Cartography (ICA).