OpenGMS joins CoMSES's Trusted Digital Repositories
2020/04/29OpenGMS has joined the trusted digital repositories of CoMSES Net, the Network for Computational Modeling in Social and Ecological Sciences.
CoMSES Net is an open community of researchers, educators, and professionals with a common goal - improving the way we develop, share, use, and re-use agent based and computational models for the study of social and ecological systems.
The trusted digital repositories of CoMSES Net provide durable archival services for the data entrusted to them and should adhere to good repository practices originating from the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) and the Trusted Repository Audit Checklist (TRAC) and Trusted Digital Repository Checklists (TDR). Trusted software repositories should also support the FORCE11 software citation principles.Key features of a trusted digital repository include but are not limited to: providing durable persistent URLs for digital artifacts, offsite backups and disaster recovery processes, curated archival packages in open and durable data formats, fixity checks to ensure digital artifact integrity, and an organizational commitment to continuing maintenance and curation of their archive.