
Academic report by Prof. Kolditz: Water 4.0: Digitization for Water Pollution Control


应地理科学学院陈旻教授邀请,德累斯顿工业大学 Olaf Kolditz 教授来我院进行学术交流,于2019年9月4日在地科院320会议室作了题为“Water 4.0: Digitization for Water Pollution Control”的学术报告。

Olaf Kolditz 教授首先介绍了德国亥姆霍兹国家研究中心环境研究系的研究领域及相关产品,然后详细讲述了由他领导探索的 OpenGeoSys 项目,包括面临的挑战,遇到的需求,解决方案以及今后的发展方向等,使我院学生对科学研究有了更深层次的认识;随后,Olaf Kolditz 教授又以巢湖和鄱阳湖为案例,分析“土地利用变化对水资源的影响”,十分具有启发意义;最后,Olaf Kolditz 教授与我院师生就 OpenGeoSys 发展趋势,对建模的意义等进行了激烈的探讨,与会师生受益匪浅。

Prof. Kolditz is the head of the Department of Environmental Informatics at the Helmholtz Center for Envi-ronmental Research (UFZ). He holds a Chair in Applied Environmental System Analysis at the Technische Universität in Dresden. His research interests are related to environmental fluid mechanics, numerical methods and software engineering with applications in geotechnics, hydrology and energy storage. Prof. Kolditz is the lead scientist of the OpenGeoSys project (, an open source scientific software platform for the numerical simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in porous media, in use worldwide. He studied theoretical mechanics and applied mathematics at the University of Kharkov, got a PhD in natural sciences from the Academy of Science of the GDR (in 1990) and earned his habilitation in engineering sciences from Hannover University (in 1996), where he became group leader at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics. Until 2001 he was full professor for Geohydrology and Hydroinformatics at Tübingen University and director of the international Master course in Applied Environmental Geosciences. Since 2007 he is the speaker of the Helmholtz graduate school for environmental research HIGRADE. Prof. Kolditz is Editor-in-Chief of two international journals Geothermal Energy (open access) and Environmental Earth Sciences (ISI). Prof. Kolditz is the leading scientist of the Sino-German network initiative “Research Centre for Environmental Information Science-RCEIS” dedicated to the development of comprehensive data integration and knowledge platforms in China (funded by the Helmholtz Association, in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute for Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research) and of the joint priority project “Managing Water Resources in Urban Catchments - Chaohu” linked to the Mega-Water Project (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with the Tongji University). Prof. Kolditz was awarded a professorship under the CAS President's Interna-tional Fellowship (PIFI) in 2015.